i went out for some margaritas after work last friday with a couple of my girlfriends from AZ. when i got home there was a surprise waiting for me.....finn was over for a visit!

finn is one of foster's
work buddies who he hasn't seen much of the last 2 months. now that foster's mange is just about all cleared up finn and his owner john, dave's co-worker, came by after they all had some happy hour of their own! finn is an adorable german shorthaired pointer who is about 7 months old.
he and foster had quite alot of fun running around the house stealing raw hide bones from eachother.

finn made quick work of the 3-4 pieces of raw hide that were laying about the house!

foster didn't seem too fazed.

here's a few more pics of the fun...

getting some loves from uncle dave before saying goodnight.

thanks for a fun visit guys!
Good. Nee. What a very comfortable & luxurious doggie bed.