Thursday, October 1, 2009


mommy cannot be trusted when left alone on a shopping trip to target. especially when it comes to this puppy! i see fun toys and i think he'll like them! this dog is like a toddler....we actually have to put his toys on rotation, he has so many he loves. i guess that's mostly my fault but i don't care!
anyhoo, while at target shopping for the aforementioned doggie bed for the bedroom i saw this ducky and i simply couldn't resist getting it for foster. i justified it to DH under the pretense that it would be useful for his training! (insert evil laugh here) it's actually a slingshot duckie! you put your thumb in the bill then the rope pulls out like a bungee and away it goes! it floats and has squeakers in the wings! what could be better? plus it's made with a more durable nylon material so it can't be torn to shreads in a minute.foster is in a word: OBSESSED with this new toy. he absolutely LOVES it! the mere mention of the word "duckie" gets him excited! i continue to attest that i am the worlds best doggie mommy.


  1. I think we should start a pool with bets on how long it will take him to destroy duckie.

  2. You definitely are the best doggy mommy! That duck is awesome!!

  3. YAY!!!!! Foster is sooo lucky to have such a great ducky and such a great mommy!!!!

  4. duckie is not a chew toy. he is only used for fetching so he will not be destroyed mum.
