Tuesday, March 3, 2009

foster's first winter hiking adventure!

we took foster up to NH on saturday to hike mt. chocorua. it was a beautiful winter day up in the mountains-sunny and clear. our friends catie & steve came along too. i ended up with some huge blisters on my heels which was very uncool but it was nice to get out and snowshoe in the whites. here's a few of mine and catie's pics.
foster approaching the summit steve & fos me, dave & steve me & puppy near the summit with a snowy mt. washington way off in the distance heading down we finished up the day with a little get together at our place with catie & steve and ethan & amanda and their doggie angie! here she is enjoying a bone on foster's bed i don't mind sharing my bedfoster and i both were totally exhausted after such a fun and exciting day!

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful!!! Foster must still be sleeping from his weekend adventures!
