yeah yeah yeah we've been absent for a while. we're locked in a long, cold, snowy new england winter so there's not much going on. jason & i spend most days hunkered down by the fire in our jammies (maternity leave does have it's perks). foster continues to go to work with daddy & play in neck-deep snow with his puppy friends sabot & olive.
as requested by my BF, who lives in warm, sunny atlanta (altho not so much this winter!), i snapped some pics of the ridiculous mounds of snow that have accumulated on our property so far this winter. i managed to dash outside in my jammies & boots while jason was napping, altho he wasn't when i got back inside-i swear the kid has radar for when i leave his side, even when he's asleep.
notice the buried fence
as usual puppy has immense fun in the snow
spring cannot come any sooner!
He looks so little in the mounds of snow!